SMA Sunny Home Manager with EEBus industry standard – broader integration of other household appliances – PV Europe

The Sunny Home Manager from SMA Solar Technology AG is now able to easily integrate commercially available household appliances from Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH (BSH) that include the EEBus industry standard and home connect functions into the intelligent SMA energy management system. 
This provides an even more efficient way of using self-generated solar energy that increases self-consumption of solar power and significantly reduces electricity costs, according to the company.
As the central control unit in the SMA Smart Home, the Sunny Home Manager plans the use of appliances in line with users’ needs. It determines how much power the PV system will produce by analyzing weather forecasts. The energy manager also recognizes the typical consumption patterns of the household. Based on this information, it creates an operational schedule for optimal use of the PV power and, for instance, starts the washing machine or other appliances accordingly.
With the BSH Home Connect app, users are able to specify the requirements for the desired start times of household appliances. The new firmware for the Sunny Home Manager is also available to devices already installed. Thus, operators of existing PV systems with the Sunny Home Manager can also make more efficient and convenient use of their self-generated solar power.
“The EEBus communication standard creates a common and manufacturer-independent language for all energy-related appliances in the Smart Home. SMA is one of the first providers to have implemented this trendsetting standard,” said Sven Schreiber, Executive Vice President of SMA’s Residential business unit and Managing Board member of the EEBus Initiative.
“This allows for optimum coordination between appliances and permits effective reductions in energy costs. Our practical tests have demonstrated this impressively over the past few months. The unveiling of the EEBus industry standard in May 2016 for all users means that the communication standard is now available to all appliance manufacturers, resulting in more Smart Home appliances being connected to the EEBus world in the near future”, Schreiber says. (HCN)
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